Link Budget Tool

B Bruce Collins 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

The attached file is a great tool for estimating throughput to a subscriber module at a given RSSI level.  It shows the max achievable throughput at an SM per modulation level in the uplink and downlink direction.  Note that this file is for 10MHz and 7MHz channels at 75/25 DL/UL ratio only. (thanks to Basman Dahleh and Emilio Di Benedetto in the systems team for putting this data and report together) - Bruce

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2 Replies

J Juan Carlos Saavedra Romero

Do these results represent field or lab measurements, or are these theoretical predictions? If these are theoretical predictions, what propagation model was used to estimate the coverage range? Thanks.


- Juan Saavedra

S Sakid Ahmed

This data is primarily derived in a lab environment where field scenarios are replicated using in line attenuation. Following the lab data collection, extensive field testing has been done both in our Schaumburg campus, downtown location and at Beta customer locations to spot check the lab data. Please see attached document for an example summary of some of the field data.

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