Welcome to the new PMP320 Technical Information Forum!

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T Thomas Moder 3 years 9 months ago
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You are one of our valued “PMP Product Experts”! And we’d like to tap into your expertise in this new internal Motorola-only forum dedicated to the idea that by sharing the learnings and experiences of others we all get smarter, faster.


Check out the features to help you quickly find what you are looking for; including tagging, searching, and automatic notification of new posts…


…and by all means; feel free to post your questions…and your answers!!!


Bruce is the PMP320 Senior Product Manager and will be your host and moderator here. Please submit your comments and questions through the forum rather than by email…that way everyone will be able to learn from your questions and contribute to the answers.


In addition to sharing information, from time-to-time we will also be hosting simple polls asking your opinion on everything from how useful you see specific features to new product and feature ideas. We value your thoughts and inputs.


We hope that this forum becomes your first stop when looking to find (and share) timely technical information about Motorola’s Point-to-Multipoint products.  Stay tuned as new features and forums are planned.


Note that you can easily adjust how frequently (immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly) you receive posting notifications to suit your needs by logging in and changing your profile.




Tom Moder, Director of Product Management -Point-to-Multipoint


Bruce Collins, Senior Product Manager – PMP320

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1 Replies

T Thomas Moder

The WiBB Technical Information Forums are NOW LIVE!!! Check them out.

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