MSP3.2 Upgrade to 3.2.1 issue - error 1722

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E Erick Rondin 3 years 9 months ago
13 2 0

Hi, One of our partner got an error 1722 during the MSP upgrade from 3.2 to 3.2.1. The 3.2 has been unistalled correctly but he is unable to finish the 3.2.1 installation process. (see attache error screenshot). if you have an idea on what could be wrong, I will appreciate ?

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2 Replies

J John Eveleth

Hi Erick, I don't see an attachment?  Have you tried using the Windows Install Clean Up utility to verify 3.2 is uninstalled?

A Alexandre Silva

Erick You have case 1963709 already opened with TAC for this.  You have clarified the situation to us and we advised you to use the Windows Install Clean Up utility.  We are now waiting for your feedback if the customer was able to install MSP 3.2.1. One additional note: Did this customer install MSP Package Builder when he had MSP 3.2?  If yes, you will need to use this Windows tool to uninstall Package Builder first (as there is a problem with the 3.2.0 Package Builder install) to be able to install MSP 3.2.1 afterwards. I hope this helps.  Only one thing is still not clear.  On the case you mention this is a pre-sales request, but this customer already has 3.2 and is upgrading to 3.2.1, which doesn't qualify as pre sales, if the customer already has MSP 3.2.  Next time please provide us the MSP s/n and contract number.

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