LS5700 and LS2208 on scanner port. External power supply needed

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
6 0 0

I would like to document and provide experience on connecting LS2208 on auxiliary port (scanner port) on LS5700. LS5700 is powered from the host (Port9E and synapse STI30-0565). When you connect LS2208 (synapse cable CBA-S01-S07ZA), it inherits parameters from LS5800 and you could believe you don’t need external power supply on LS5700. In fact, as long as you don’t reboot the till it works. When you reboot the till there is not enough power for LS5700 and LS2208 so the LS2208 doesn’t receive parameters and it doesn’t work. You need to unplug LS2208 and plug it again. With external power supply on LS5700 (50-14000-058), it works.

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