Pairing the RS507 with a MC3090 firmware requirements APIs requirements

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P Philippe Piemont 3 years 9 months ago
3 5 0

Hi all, My customer is willing to deploy on a MC3090 CE5.0 RS507. My customer has an existing application that needs to be "migrated" to support the RS507. He are my questions: - Today to pair the RS507 to the MC3090 you need BSP 26 + a cabfile: when is due the BSP XX that will have an integrated support of the RS507?? - Application migration: today application APIs calls are managing a MC3090 1D scanner, what do we need to do or implement (new EMDK 2.2?) to support in the customer application APIs calls?? - Pick List Mode: how do I configure the RS507 to work in Pick List Mode (via CTLPannel???). Thank you for your help Philippe  

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5 Replies

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

The RSMsample is a sample application. The idea is that the customer application will use the RSM API within the application to configure the RS507 like Wavelink has done in the new TE client and DataWedge in v3.1 (that supports the WT4090). DataWedge v3.2 will support the Rs507 on all other terminals. See attached presentation (that will be posted soon on MotoSMART) for more information on EMDK. Obviously, you can configure the RS507 by scanning configuration barcodes but the moment you are connected to the terminal the application will override any parameter it is configuring (so the application has full control on the RS507 operation).

P Prashanth Kadur

EMDK for C v2.1 Up1 and EMDK for .NET v2.2 will support RS507 on MC3090.  These products will be released in a few days.

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

To support the RS507, you will need to do the following: 1. Make sure your RS507 is updated to latest firmware (available off RS507 page in Support Central) 2. Upgrade the MC3090 to latest BSP (BSP35) 3. Install the Enhancement cab file (look for it in the RS507 page on support center) 4. No new maintenance release is planned for the MC3090 5. Once the cab file is installed, pairing is a breeze by invoking the Display BD address (Pair) and reading the MC3090 BT address off the screen 6. Picklist mode can now be configured also through the Control Panel application 7. You can make many configuration setting by using the RSM Sample application (loaded with the cab file) 8. You can demonstrate with Scan Sample 4 (loaded with the cab file) 9. In the application, the external cordless RS507 is selected by changing from SCN1 to SCN2 10. Look for new Wavelink TE client that added the RS507 support 11. Look for ScanWedge 3.2 with RS507 support (ScanWedge 3.1 supports the RS507 in the WT4090) 12. The RS507 PRG is about to be posted next week and include a lot of this information and more 13. Have fun

P Philippe Piemont

Thank you for the update So I have installed the cab file I can configure the RS507 via the RSM APIs - In a production environment where ares the RSM parameters files located? - How can I push them in mass?? - Is there a way to officially support the RS507 in a production environment ? - Which Datawedge do I need to use??   3.001.007 speaks only of WT4090? - Which EMDK 2.1 or the next to come EMDK2.2 Do you have exemples of applications? I have to present all these points Friday morning to a customer. Thank you in advance. Philippe

T Thomas Cassar

There are no further OS Maintenance Releases planned for MPA1.0 products. So, you will need to use the OS + CAB file.

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