WT4090 - Changing Display Orientation Question

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 9 months ago
2 5 0

1) Time/Date - 2:30 pm / 08/20/2009

2) Response time

3) Product WT4090

4) OS Version BSP35

5) Clarify Case # - 1951128 TA is asking a general question, Is there a way to change the orientation of the WT4090 display from landscape to Portrait by any means.. registry, etc.. told TA the ability is not in the control panel.. was asked to post to forum.

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5 Replies

G George Dellaratta

That registry key will work on the MC9090 CE device but not on the WT4090.  The wearable uses a different display and the driver included in the Wearable doesn't have support for portrait mode.

G Glenn Sobel

thank you !

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Hi Glenn,You can use the next registry...[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GDI\ROTATION]"Angle"=dword:0The following table shows the values you can use in the Angle registry subkey.Value     Description ---------------------------------------0            No rotation. 5A         90 degrees rotated clockwise. B4         180 degrees rotated clockwise. 10E       270 degrees rotated clockwise.

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Hi Glenn, Unfortunately after testing it, the display of the WT4090 only works properly when you rotate 0 or 180 degrees but not in portrait (90 or 270 degrees). On MC9090 works in all the cases. I´m not sure if it´s driver or HW related. Maybe ECRT can clarify.

G Glenn Sobel

Thanks.. Tried the reg file .. it works.. the 90 and 270 did not .. I tried.. I open myself for punishment.. I guess.. I am assuming that the display is not designed to have that specific orientation and there is no other action that could be taken that would allow the display to have a portrait orientation

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