Serial Port setup in WM6.0

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A Aleksandr Dekhtyar 3 years 9 months ago
1 4 0

07/08/2009 MC70/75 WM6.0 #1920931 Port setting tab is not available in WM6 under Hayes modem setup Advanced menu. Need to know the reg key to set up bits, parity, flow control for serial communication.

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4 Replies

H Hemamalini Subramanian

Create a new Hayes Compatible modem connection. The registry corresponding to the connection created can be seen under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\]. DevCfg is the registry key which actually sets the port settings information, that can be directly editted if you want to change the settings. Following are the byte number which should be modified. Index - 08: FlowControl (Values: 10- Hardware, 20- Software, 00- None) Index - [12,13,14,15]: Baudrate Index - 18: Data bits (Values: 4,5,6,7,8) Index - 19: Stopbits (Values:0,1,2) Index - 20 arity (Values: 0,1,2,3,4) Do not disturb the rest of the values in the registry. Kindly test this and let me know whether the connection is using the changed port settings values.

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

Thank you, thank you, thank you..

J Jarod Fox

Alex, SPR16461 might provide some assistance, but be warned is not pretty Here are some MSDN articles that will assist:… is necessary to either use XML provisioning or to modify the rasbook registry setting (a field in a binary blob in the registry value)[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Comm\RasBook] DevCfg

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

Don't think I can get back to the customer with this, but thank you for pointing in the right direction.

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