Is Microsoft KB924889 (tcpstk.dll) is included in BSP35?

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C Charles Malm 3 years 9 months ago
3 3 0

Our customer has asked us to confirm whether or not Microsoft

KB924889 (tcpstk.dll) is included in BSP35. In particular they are concerned with it being included in the WT4090 OEM Version 6.35 release and in the VC5090 OEM Version 7.35 release.

NOTE #1: The release notes for BSP35 indicate all Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) distributed prior to June 2008 are included; however, it does not say anything about Known Bug (KB) or other Hot-Fix (HF) being included or not.

NOTE #2: The Microsoft KB article 924889 for this was last reviewed on October 12, 2006; however, the customer had problem with BSP30 which included all QFE updates till October 2007 and was provided with a tcpstk.dll file to correct this problem on BSP30.

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3 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

the same was answered a while ago on a similar cic forum postsee below for the new KB article and the reponse from then: 

Latest BSP 35 DCP 1.8 CE5.0 MC9090 MC3090 WT4090 contains Windows CE 5.0 OS build with QFE updates till June 2008

Microsoft QFE: MS stack pauses in TCP layer communications

KB953229 -

An activity on a TCP socket may be suspended for a long time in Windows CE 5.0

Updated TCPstkl.dll is included in this BSP 35

H Howard Laser

Please include the required information in your post.
All posts must have this information:

1) Time/Date

2) Response time

3) Product

4) OS Version

5) Clarify Case #

D David Meyer

This QFE was included in both BSP 30 and BSP 35.  The customer is probably having an additional problem.  There was another Microsoft QFE later than the one referenced here with a similar symptom and also part of TCPSTK.DLL.  I believe that BSP 35 has the additional QFE as well.

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