No Network ID tab in Windows Mobile

// Expert user has replied.
H Howard Laser 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

15:45/07-03-09 3 day MC9090     WM5.0   1917733 There is a Network ID tab in the Owner options on Control Panel in Win CE5.0. It allows users to enter domain, password, etc for easier connection to a network share. This feature does not exist on WinMobile5.0. I will assume this is a Microsoft decision, but does anyone know why this was omitted on WM5.0 or conversely, why it was considered necessary on CE5.0?

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2 Replies

G George Dellaratta

Motorola has no insight into the design decisions made by Microsoft as far as why features are included or excluded from Windows Mobile devices. As far as CE is concerned, Motorola includes features when the OS is built.  When the networking component was added to CE this dialog was added to the build.  Since our design requirement include networking, this feature needed to be added.

H Howard Laser

Thanks, George!

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