MC70 Battery Clips

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G Gary Miller 3 years 9 months ago
1 3 0

Have any of your customers using the MC70 had issues with the battery clips breaking? This has become a big concern to my customer. Without the clip the batteries do not stay in the secondary battery charging bay in the cradle. There is a closed SPR (13643) that basically says that they can do nothing to strengthen the clip.... so what do I tell the customer ......sorry about that?

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3 Replies

A Andrew Wood

Gary I havent seen many break but we do get a lot were the clip has lost its "spring" and does not hold the battery securley. Andy

H Herbert De Jong

there is still P4 SPR 17074  for exactly your issue. also there is the FF for 1,5x Battery door which are holding the battery clip under pressure all the time, which can also reduce the strenght of the battery clip. there are definetly more complaints but engineering efforts to improve are very difficult to achieve

J Jamie Craig

We also have customers that find the batteries dont click into place so they bend the clip outwards. They may get away with it once or twice but then it will snap off and they are no good to anyone.

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