FTP contention with MSP agent

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S Stephen Vye 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

A Partner is installing MSP 3.2.1 shortly and they are working through the design right now. In their design they've just highlighted that their is an application on the MC3090G that uses FTP to pull files down onto the MC3090G from a Server. My questions are: 1 - Will this conflict with the MSP agent (also wanting to use FTP as opposed to FTPS to check-in to the Relay Servers)? I am guessing that Port 21 will be opened and closed by MSP while checking in and this may possibly close the connection inadvertently for their aplication ??? 2 - If there is a conflict; can I simply change the Port number to 2121 or something else during each Relay Server creation. Will this update the MSP agent to use the port 2121 when staging through that Relay Server? Regards, Steve Vye

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Steve; The MSP Agent is an FTP Client, not an FTP Server.  So the MSP Agent is making connections to a remote FTP Server, usually in Passive Mode. From your description, it sounds like you are wanting to have another FTP Client in the device, presumably connecting to a different FTP Server or perhaps a different account on the same FTP Server. There should be no reason why two FTP Clients cannot operate in parallel.  There should be no conflict of ports since all connections are initiated from the device.  The once exception might be if both FTP Clients were used in Active Mode since then the FTP Server would be initiating connection back to the device and there MIGHT be a possibility of port conflict.  But that would likely be rare anyway since the ports should be chosen randomly and hence would be unlikely to collide.

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