using DHCP service of the WS5100

// Expert user has replied.
A Afshin Mansoorieh 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

I have a customer who is interested in using the onboard DHCP server of the WS5100-WiNG with custom options, which you can configure from the CLI. does anyone esle have customers using custom options on the WS5100 DHCP server, I would like very much to hear your feed back on how well (or if not) is has worked for your customers. thanks, afshin

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1 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

Hi, I have some partners/customers using custom DHCP options from WS5100. Primarily for internal network needs (adaptive AP/etc). It works ok, and you can configure these options from GUI BTW. Is there something specific you're interested in?

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