MC75, poor reading performance.

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S Serge Larose 3 years 9 months ago
2 3 0


I am in a battle, with the MC75, against the Dolphin from HHP. I am loosing the battle on the reading barcode. I need to read barcode from the screen of a PDA (Black berry) and on paper also. The quality on printed barcode may not be good quality.

The HHP is reading all barcode with no problem where the MC75 takes time or do not read at all. I tried a DS9808 equipped with the new Block Buster and it reads all barcode as well or even faster then the HHP device. I know the MC75 will not be equip soon with the new Block Buster.

I am looking for any information on how to win against HHP

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3 Replies

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Try enabling autofocus (**WARNING** this would degrade imager's life!!) and also disabling the illuminator: I had the experience that when reading on screens (phones, PDAs), illuminator's reflection was preventing to decode. Anyway, did you try decoding with * the camera* instead? For me, it's more aggressive than imager, but it's a matter of points of view

H Horst Anderlohr

Please give the attached pixdll a try. Copy the file into the windows folder and coldboot the unit. Please make sure that the original files is replaced. Please let me know the results. I solved several problems on BSP 43 (MC70) using this old dll from BSP 39. Hope this will help to win the deal. Kind regards Horst

H Herbert De Jong

not sure if dll for MC70 will install correctly on MC75But maybe better to specifiy what MC75 1d or 2d is being used and what kind of barcode typealso have a look on MC75 hotfixes  :- MC75 Reflective I2of5 issue - SPR 16050  ( Pixdll_5.10.102.1.CAB  

SPR 16050: A highly reflective I2of5 barcode does not decode very well using the Imager.


1D issue you have to choose what issue you want to fix


- MC75 1D Scanner locks up entire device upon scanning a Codabar barcode - SPR 16320 ( decoder1d.dll 07/29/08 )

MC75 1D Scanner models lock up upon scanning a Codabar barcode within ScanSamp or Datawedge. The laser will still function (but will not decode) upon pressing the trigger, however the entire OS locks up and a reboot is required in order to recover the functionality of the unit.

Or use this one


- MC75 - 1d scanner is blocked when scanning I2of5 barcode with less than 10 characters. - SPR 16280 ( decoder1d.dll 12/03/08 )

MC75 with 1d scanner is blocked when scanning I2of5 barcode with less than 10 characters

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