RS507 pairing to MC75 - can it be done (yet)?

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J Jon Preedy 3 years 9 months ago
9 27 0

I have anRS507 in my hot little hands, but my challenge is pairing it to an MC75 – the onlydocumentation that I can find references a scan-to-pair program which iscurrently only available on the WT4090, and product management informs me willnot be available for the other MCD devices until Q3.


So, myquestion is: Is there ANY way that we can take an MC75 and an RS507 and makethem work together for the purposes of show and tell?


We’re inreal danger of losing an account to competitive product as the customer isstarting to shop around, so the sooner we can show them this solution thebetter.

Cheers, -JP

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27 Replies

M Milan Riha

After applying the registry whistler_btexplorer.reg from cab file on MC75,Mc55 the PIN is not required anymore for establishing the conection-
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Stonestreet One\BTExplorer\Device Profiles] "Profile1"="0, |Serial Port 1|, 10, 9, 57600, 0, 3" "NumberProfiles"=dword:00000001

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Stonestreet One\BTExplorer\Device Settings] "EncryptAllOutgoingConnections"=dword:00000001 "UseFixedIncomingPINCode"=dword:00000001 "FixedIncomingPINCode"=hex:\       31,00,41,00,34,00,46,00,34,00,45,00,35,00,31,00,32,00,30,00,43,00,42,00,35,\       00,30,00,35,00,33,00,32,00,30,00,44,00,33,00,35,00,32,00,35,00,35,00,32,00,\       30,00,44,00,42,00,35,00,34,00,35,00,37,00,32,00,30,00,45,00,33,00,35,00,36,\       00,35,00,39,00,32,00,30,00,45,00,42,00,35,00,38,00,35,00,42,00,35,00,41,00,\       35,00,44,00,35,00,43,00,42,00,34,00,00,00 "PairabilityMode"=dword:00000001 "ConnectabilityMode"=dword:00000001 "UseFixedOutgoingPINCode"=dword:00000001 "FixedOutgoingPINCode"=hex:\       31,00,41,00,34,00,46,00,34,00,45,00,35,00,31,00,32,00,30,00,43,00,42,00,35,\       00,30,00,35,00,33,00,32,00,30,00,44,00,33,00,35,00,32,00,35,00,35,00,32,00,\       30,00,44,00,42,00,35,00,34,00,35,00,37,00,32,00,30,00,45,00,33,00,35,00,36,\       00,35,00,39,00,32,00,30,00,45,00,42,00,35,00,38,00,35,00,42,00,35,00,41,00,\       35,00,44,00,35,00,43,00,42,00,34,00,00,00

D David Meyer

All, This is working exactly as designed.  If you don't want to enter a pin code on the first connection/pairing, you need to include it in the registry.  If there is a need for something built in to make this automatic in the future, you will need to open a GRIP or CPR.

H Horst Anderlohr

Hello Team, after reading all this postings I really expect that this problem need to solved by our enginnering. The pairing funtionallity should be the same like we already have on our CE 5.0 based products, no discussion. In my opinion this is a bug and need to be fixed asap. Kind regards Horst

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Horst et al, Unless an SPR is opened no engineering resources be assigned to fix any issue and provide better instructions in the RS507 PRG. I asked that a case will be opened with the Support Center help desk so an SPR can be opened but so far I only hear complaints. There is no other way. We need ECRT to allocate resources as these are released OS. Amnon

M Milan Riha

This morning contacted me Kurt Fetscher and partner Siemens that they have to type PIN on MC75 (BSP35) when connecting RS507. They dont want to type always default PIN (12345) before establishing the connection. I opened SPR#18015. Milan

K Keith Larkin

My suggestion would be that in addition to putting this "critical" information in PRG, that it also ends up in the user guides of both products and that a PMB gets issued ASAP so that this information can be shared both internally and externally with our reseller channel


Juan-Antonio,  Another solution to remove the PIN entry requirement is to switch to the MS BT stack. When I did this on an MC75 BSP35 , I could pair the RS507 with no PIN entry using the following sequence: a) switch BT on in discoverable mode b) Run BTScannerCtlPanel to link with comm port c) scan pairing barcode created by Display_BT_Address d) RS507 is now paired with no PIN entry requirement Best Regards, Ian Hatton EMb EMEA

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Guys, I want to share with what Alan Epshteyn has communicated:
Just to give you some background on the current design, the reason we do not enable the RS507 support out of the box is because then all the products would appear to have a SCN2 (or SCN3) device available. However, if the user doesn’t "really" have a RS507 connected, then he would get an error code when trying to use the SCN2. Since a majority of our customers do not use RS507s yet, we decided it would be best to disable this functionality out of box. For MC70, a user has to take the action to install a .CAB file to enable this functionality. On MPA1.5/2.0 a user need instead to configure the BTScannerCtlPanel applet. Each product should require 1 step, albeit it is different between MC70 (install .CAB) and MPA 1.5/2.0 (Configure BTScannerCtlPanel). Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any suggestions on how we can improve the usability.Obviously, I am also interested in your suggestions. Regardless, I do plan to incorporate the instructions in the RS507 PRG so the user be saved from searching for it.Thank you for your interest - good selling!Amnon

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks you all for the help, but I still need to know if I can get rid of typing (actually not only once, but every time RS507 gets unpaired) the PIN. I wrote a simple javscript demo using DataWedge API for Correos (a new project), so when the application detects barcode is incorrect, RS507 is disabled (well, datawedge is disabled and then RS507 gets disconnected). The idea is forcing the user to look at MC75's display iif RS507 stops scanning, which means that last barcode was wrong (from application's perspective). It is a 100% hands-free picking application, and users are to carry MC75 on a shoulder strap (or so). Everything works fine (DW API is pretty well integrated with RS507) except this PIN "feature". For a Demo it's OK, but I would not want them to see this PIN popup in real operation.

K Khazi-Syed Taheer Ahmed

You can use BTPSetIncomingPIN API to set a PIN Code to be used for ANY incoming connections that require authentication. Attached is the BTExplorerAPI sample application that leverages this API to authenticate incoming connections on the terminal. The sample application is also part of EMDK for c and the link is… Khazi

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Hi, Apparently, with the latest maintenance release (BSP35) users are expected to stage the use of RS507 once. This staging is done by running the BTScannerCtlPanel. Users should find it in Start->programs. So after a clean boot users will not be able to use the scanner without this staging. This information is documented in the EMDK but needs to be documented in a user guide. I will take care of bringing the relevant information up front.Amnon

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

I certainly staged the MC75 with BTCtlpanel, setting Comm port to 9 and enabling BT scanner 1. I actually could not make it work if I didn't. What confuses me is what does this have to do with having to type a PIN?

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Please open a case with Help Desk so we can get it resolved and properly documented. Amnon

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks Ian! Anyway, I am using latest DataWedge and it works fine (after typing the PIN, of course). Btw, does this CAB prevent having the PIN requested?

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

MC75 with latest maintenance release should work with RS507 without a need to insert a PIN. I asked engineering to step in to find out what is not working. However, if that issue is still open in the next couple of days, I suggest you report it through Support Center help desk and open a case so we can put it to rest. Amnon, your RS507 Prod Mgr.

E Eugene Vigoutov

MC75 has builtin RS507 support (no need to install cab file like on other devices), but  has no builtin PIN. PIN should be inserted when connecting.

H Horst Anderlohr

The RS507 should work on WM6.1 as it already worked on our CE5.0 products. The Pin Code is 12345. You can use it for demostration, but I guess I will not work really stable. If there is any difference in handling compared to CE5 connectivity I suggest to open a ticket and a SPR.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks! PIN 12345 did the job! Once typed it is not requested anymore (I guess it's saved on the registry).


Juan-Antonio,   I had a similar issue on a clean MC75 with BSP35 i.e. RS507 would pair when scanning the on-screen barcode but would not work with the scansamp4.exe demo application (app stated connected but the RS507 scanning was disabled) . I installed the attached RS507 WM6.1 CAB file  for the MC70 (709Xw61CB3RS507.CAB) and it was working subsequently i.e. something appears to be not 100% correct in the default OS image RS507 support. Best Regards, Ian Hatton EMb EMEA

D David Meyer

I believe that on the WT4090, the cab file that you install to allow RS507 pairing will hard code an incomming pin code which will be used for the RS507. I don't know if this helps, but it was worth a shot -Dave

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

BTExplorer reports " Version 2.1.1 Build 26835". And yes, "Use PIN Code" is ticked. Exactly the same than on working wt4090. Wt4090 has a PIN indeed, but masked. I typed a dummy PIN on it since I ignore the one inside RS507. Anyway (pls correct me if I am wrong) this PIN is to pair connecting "client" devices (such as modems, audio, etc) to terminal. I have read somewhere that RS507 behaves like a server, so it should be the other way round, i.e, the PIN set on BT Explorer does not have to match RS507's. Am I right?

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Hi, Just wanted to make sure you are aware that the latest MC75 maintenance release do support the RS507. The same applies to MC55. Also all MPA 1.0 terminals (MC909x, MC709x, MC3090, VC5090) have cab files released to add the RS507 support. You can find the cab files for ActiveSync loading in the RS507 page in Support Central. There are different cab files per OS. In addition, the cab files can be deployed by MSP using the apf files. You will need to upgrade your RS507 (if it is not fresh from the factory) to the latest firmware for all new released cab files and MC55/MC75 maintenance releases. The new firmware is available off the RS507 page on Support Central. You can do it with ActiveSync using the .dat file and flashing it to the RS507 using the FirmwareUpdate application. Watch for the RS507 PRG. It should be posted next week (week on Sept 7) on Support Central. The PRG provides a lot of information on how to. 

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

I  theory now this can be done. I use MC75 BSP35 WM 6.1, so it should work. The thing is that after I read the barcode on the display, BTexplorer pops up and asks for a PIN. There must be a PIN, because it never pairs no matter what I type in (so it must be comparing). Also, RS507 starts beeping, likely as an error feedback (BEEP-BEEP--BEEP-BEEP). Using the very same RS507 with a WT4090, PIN is not requested and it scans fine. RS507 does not strangely beep in this case (just TEEROREERO-TEERO, as normal). I have configured BTExplorer on MC75 exactly as on WT4090. Is this normal? So, which is the PIN then?

K Khazi-Syed Taheer Ahmed

What is the BT Explorer build number you are using on MC75? You can get the BTE build number from BTE Menu->About. Also can you please verify if "Use Pin Code" box is checked with appropriate PIN from BTE Menu->Settings->Security.

R Robert Galvin

Jon - The RS507 PM will be discussing this on our next MCD call (next week). Official support for RS507 / MPA pairing won;t happen until the next maintenance release, but there is a way to get a beta version for demoing. If you need the info before next week reach out to Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

M Marc Fluhrer

Rob, I tried enetring a GRIP for the RS507 to add support for the VC5090, but the RS507 is not listed. Do you know if this is something that will be added to the GRIP system?

A Amnon Ish-Hurwitz

Guys, 1. RS507 support with MPA 1.0-based mobile computers will come in a form of a downloadable CAB file. I just provided selected TAs a beta version of these CAB files for (MC909x, MC709x, MC3090, and VC5090) so the RS507 can be demonstrated/tested with these products now. 2. RS507 support with MPA 1.5-based mobile computers (MC75, MC55 and VC609x) will come as part of the coming maintenance release. I have already provided an extract from this release as an alpha test with MC75. 3. You can safely post your opportunities on SFDC. 4. I will check GRIP to make sure you can post new ideas/opportunities for the RS507.

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