Issue found in 3.2.1 console UI - Device List page

A Andrew Knight 3 years 9 months ago
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There is a bug reported against MSP 3.2.1 where the hyperlinks at the bottom the Device List page to navigate to the additional pages do not work. So if you have more devices in your system than can be viewed on one page, you will not be able to view those devices on the second, third... thru n pages. While the default number of devices listed per page is 25, you can easily change it to a maximum of 1000 devices listed per page. So for systems managing 1000 devices or less, this is the simple workaround. However, if there are more than 1000 devices, you will have to use some filter to display a subset of all the devices that totals 1000 or less in order to view those at the end of the list. The fix for this is already underway, and will be included in the MSP 3.3 release. For more info and updates about this see SPR 17132.

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