MSP Stage not working with BSP35 (Fusion 2.5.7) mixed mode

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C Chris Matheson 3 years 9 months ago
1 4 0

Got hit with an issue last week where MSP is unable to configure a proper RD Profile for Fusion 2.57 (BSP35) devices using mixed mode TKIP/CCMP networks. This is due to the new Fusion checkbox for mixed mode which is new to this version. All previous devices work fine (Fusion 2.5.5 and 2.5.2 etc.) but no longer works on new build. Doing some digging, I have found others who have seen the same issue and support cases open and the net result seems to be to file a GRIP request. I want to query the field here I as I don't feel this is a new feature request at all. To me, we have broken something that used to work fine so in my mind, it is a support issue and should be an SPR instead of a GRIP entry. Don't really care if it lies with MCD or MSP team, just that it be addressed sooner than later. Curious to know how others feel about this one? If nothing else, perhaps we should be reviewing our T&V process...

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4 Replies

W William Perryman

Chris, I agree with you whole heartedly. This is de ja vu all over again. You may remember the removal of hex key entry into the radio firmware. At some point a decision was made to have it removed. The GRIP request took over a year to have it built back in the firmware. If it worked before..... Maybe there should be an UNGRIP process to remove features so we can all be aware of what is going on in development? My 2 cents. Bill Perryman

E Edward Rowlance

I don't know about deja vu or someone saying that a GRIP had to be filed, but there is a FusionPublic def doc available in MSP 3.2.1 that allows for setting this feature.  The def doc can be used on 3.2 as well.  Mario has it if anyone needs it.

M Mario Di Pasquo

The ability to set the mixed mode options when using AES encryption is already in MSP 3.2.1 .   I have tested it and it works.   Engineering has provided to me the DEFDOC from 3.2.1 that can be used in MSP 3.2.0 as well ( I have tested this also) . It is recommended that you upgrade any server from MSP 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 but if this is not an option, please contact the Motorola Support Center by dialing 1-800-653-5350 or email at , open a case and we will email the DEFDOC (providing the customer is entitled to support via support agreement/warranty).ThanksMario

M Mario Di Pasquo

I have had a customer report this as well.  I have reproduced this in my lab and will try to find out more from the Engineering team responsible for Fusion and for MSP 3.x

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