Propagating Radios description string in a cluster

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 9 months ago
1 5 0

Spanish Post will use 2000+ AAP5131 with 16 RFS7000 (for full redundancy). Two clusters then will be used, 8 RFS per cluster. SNMP traps will be sent by any RFS7000 to their SNMP servers. Information about the actual AAP (in fact, the radio) that generated the event is its "description" field. By default, this is RADIOx, x being the index of the adopted radio on the corresponding RFS7000. If this field is edited (either GUI, either "radio x desc ABCDEF" CLI command), this change is applied to traps. So far so good. Problem is that when this AAP (so its radios) gets adopted by another RFS7000 on the same cluster, this manual description is not seen, but instead, once again RADIOy (y does not have to be equal to x). Is there any way someone can think of to do this in some automatic way? Because, by hand, this requires 2000 x 16 = 32000 manual operations!!!! Thanks

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5 Replies

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Satish, Despite this worked in my office, at the customer it did not. AAPs had different indexes on Cluster's RFSes (yet all AAPs were displayed on every RFS). The only thing is I did not first adopt all of them on a single RFS, I just could not since they are working. Is this *necessary* ? Thanks!

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks. I first had to enable cluster-master-support to allow this to work. Unfortunatelly, all it did was displaying AAP radios on the other RFS (I have 2 RFS7000 at the office to replicate Spanish Office) as unadopted, of course... but with RADIO1 and RADIO2 as description (which did not look good). Anyway, I bounced the AP to get it adopted by second RFS... to no avail, description was not sent from RFS1 to RFS2.

C Chris Matheson

There is the Cluster GUI option now as well where you can apply AP Description to all cluster members...however it doesn't seem to work properly. I have SPR #16727 open for this issue (AP300's so not sure if it impacts AAP's as well). Also note that using spaces in AP Descriptions in GUI doesn't work either. Using quotes in CLI  that include spaces should be ok but using spaces in GUI will result in the description being lost on a reboot as it cannot interpret these spaces in startup-config. SPR #16728 open for this issue. So other options are to adopt as many AP's as you can to one switch, configure their descriptions, save the startup-config and use it to load on other cluster members and then change specific required parameters. This at aleast gets you out of having to type all the descriptions on all switches.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks Chris, I guess I will sync all of the radios indices on all RFS (using CLI command), then I will create a text file containing lines such as "radio x desc APINGIVENPLACE", then I will get in one of the RFS, cluster-cli mode, and paste this file, so all RFS will have the same list. Problem is that it will have to be done every time a (or some) new AAP is (are) installed...

S Satish Shivarudrappa

You can use the command "RFS7K-1:cluster-cli(config-wireless)#service wireless sync-radio-entries" after adopting all the radios in switch from the cluster-cli. By doing this when the AAP gets adopted to the new switch it will use the same radio index in that switch also. This command ensures the propagation of radio information to all switches present in cluster.

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