MC75 - Extra dial-string modem commands

// Expert user has replied.
P Petr Selinger 3 years 9 months ago
2 4 0

1) 1:30pm/ 03/25/09

2) 1 day

3) MC75

4) WM6.1

5) Clarify Case #1846080
We have received following question from our Partner: In WM6 there’s no “Extra dial-string modem commands” text input field any more and the “Port Settings”, along with “General” tab, are also fully eliminated , most of the time we use it for the GPRS connection using ext modem (for example to init the APN). In WM5 device these settings are available. Workaround is to use ''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\DRIVERS\Unimodem\Init'' REG key. We can then edit the first string value for the initialization: Valuename: 1 Value data: AT+CGDCONT =1,"IP","apn.address" However this will be applied for all the connection created on the device even for the connections which doesn't use the GPRS ext modem (so it cannot be used in the case that they we use the RTS connection). Creating an application is not an option for us. We would like to know if it's possible to parameter this in some way or if we can have the device with the OS that will permit to use different Extra dial-string modem commands for different type of connections as on WM5 devices. Potential project size is 4000 MC55.

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4 Replies

G George Dellaratta

A quote from Microsoft...
From the information I have, it was determined that these settings weren’t being widely used. Unfortunately, you need to use the registry to enter this information.
So, this functionality was removed because they didn't think it was used....Registry keys are the way to go for this and there are two options.  (1) Provide documentation to the customers so they can set the keys themselves and (2) open a GRIP request to have this new functionality added.Personally, I'm not happy with either option so here's what we'll do.  I open a P4 SPR 16860 to have a small application written that contains the dialog boxes that Microsoft deprecated.  This application will set the registry keys and we'll look for a way to implement without a warm boot.  (But we may not be able to find a way so a warm boot may be required.)  Links to documentation provided by Microsoft is attached to the SPR.  Design requirement will be added later today.If this customer requires something quickly then we'll need to give them the registry keys and documentation.

P Petr Selinger

That's great, thanks a lot George!

G George Dellaratta

This is a Microsoft change and is not something implemented by Motorola.  This means that competitors with WM6.1 will have the same problem. But, I will ask Microsoft if they have changed (and not documented) a different way to add these settings.

G George Dellaratta

Microsoft case #109032563474327 has been opened.  I expect status from them within a week.

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