MC75 Push To Talk on Verizon network?

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M Matthew Chu 3 years 9 months ago
4 4 0

I see that Verizon network has Push to Talk service.  Motorola Adventure V750 has the Push to Talk feature. Does anyone know if and when the MC75 Verizon WAN unit will support Push to Talk on the Verizon network?  If so, what software client is needed?  When is it available?  If not, why not? Thank you

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4 Replies

B Brian Safran

I am looking ofr this also. My customer is currently using the AT&T PTT client on the MC75's and also needs Verizon.

E Eric Liner

Here's the response from Dan Innes, Sales Lead for Verizon:  No plans to support PTT on MC75 Verizon WAN unit - we had a prototype client developed, but there is not a business driver to complete the PTT client development. Thanks

R Richard Nedwich

MCD is currently evaluating the Motorola PTT (MPTT) client used by Verizon for use with MC75. Rakesh Bhatia is building the business case to commercialize the solution. Anyone having input to this business case should post here or send a note to Rakesh.


Is there any update on the progress of a PTT client with Verizon on the MC75?

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