LS9100/LS9208 parameter codes

S Sean Wheatley 3 years 9 months ago
1 0 0

My customer has a large estate of LS9208's with a spattering of old LS9100's. They have 2 seperate barcode sheets for each scanner to set them up. I am looking at reducing the amount of codes they have to scan for the LS9208 and will also try to use 123scan. I noticed they are scanning some codes on the LS9208 that really belong to the LS9100. I suspect this is by accident rather than design but they were done so long ago nobody can shed any light. They currently scan 34 codes and have been for years!! The codes in question are Host Laser Off Delay , 1, 0   I checked the 9208 PRG and no mention of it. The 9100 PRG states "this parameter sets the minimum time between decodes. eg if this is programmed for 1 sec (it is) the unit does not decode again until 1 second after a successful decode." Questions. The codes seem to be taken by the LS9208 but are they having any effect? What if any equivalent is there for the LS9208? Can I leave this out altogether? The other anamoly is with Intercharacter delay. Again they appear to be using the codes from the LS9100 PRG on the LS9208. They scan the intercharacter delay code followed by 0 then 5 (presumably this means half a millisecond). The codes seem to be taken by the LS9208 successfully but cannot perceive any difference it is making if any. The LS9208 PRG implements ICD differently to the above. You have a choice of scanning 1 code from a possible 4. 0ms no delay, 25ms low, 50 ms medium, 75ms high. There is no "intercharacter delay" code. Question, can the ICD codes from the LS9100 PRG work on the LS9208? There doesn't appear to be a direct equivalent setting in the LS9208 PRG to half a second. So its going to have to be 0ms or 25ms? I wonder if I need to bother with either host laser off or ICD at all, maybe this was more important in days gone by when the scanners were too quick for the POS. Your help is much appreciated.

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