Metrologic Optimus SP5700

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

Looking for competitive ideas against Metrologic Optimus (SP5700). The application is instore inventory, pricechecking, receiving and our proposal was MC3090. Thanks, Valery

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1 Replies


Hi Valery,
The points I would highlight are as follows:

1. This unit is a 'one size fits all' solution for multiple markets i.e. form factor is not ideal for in-store retail. MC3090 has multiple versions ( gun,front shooter, swivel laser) and a much slimmer grip which is very well accepted by retail users (500,000+ MC3090's sold to date)

2. 3090 has both CE 5.0 and WM 6.1 available as OS options vs only CE 5.0 for SP5700. We would also expect CE 6.0 on a new product which indicates that this is a refresh of an older ODM product ( see for confirmation of this)

3. 1D laser scanning on SP5700 is provided by Moto SE900 engine (see attached FCC docs)

4. One 2200mAH battery option vs 2600/4400mAH options on MC3090

5.  240 x 320 QVGA display vs 320 x 320 (higher resolution) display of MC3090

6. SP5700 integrated camera is not required for most retail in-store apps and can be a security problem for some customers.

7. One keyboard layout (22 key numeric) vs 28/38/48 key options on 3090

8. SP5700 uses Microsoft ZCF WLAN driver which has far fewer features and options than Fusion driver on MC3090 e.g. authentication methods, power save mode etc.

9. 802.11b/g WLAN vs 802.11 a/b/g on MC3090 i.e. 11a available on 3090 if problems with interference in 11b/g band

10. Motorola value-add features such as Rapid Deployment,MSP,pre-licenced TN emulations on gun form factor etc

Best Regards,Ian HattonEMb EMEA 

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