MSP Network traffic between agent and server

J Jamie Craig 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

I have had a request from a potential customer asking what network traffic is generated between the MSP agent and MSP server when an agent "checks in". Assumptions such as; - Device is already staged and provisioned. - Nothing additional is to be provisioned during the check in. The customer will be deploying across GSM network (for day shift) and docking in cradle for charging and provisioning during the evening.

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1 Replies

B Bob Miller

During every Check-In to a Relay Server, the MSP Agent performs limited FTP listings to determine which if any files need to be uploaded or download.

Some or all of the following traffic may occur during the Agent’s connection to a Relay Server:

- Upload Discovery Document, if  Agent has something new to report since the last check-In

- Upload collected data, if a collection interval has elapsed

- Download job file, if one has been found 

- Download content, as required by a job

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