case 1781341 - WIFI Memory CE50

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

1) Time/Date 12:54pm 11/25/08

2) Response time 4 hr

3) Product MC30xx - VC5090

4) OS Version BSP 30

5) Clarify Case # 1781341 TA is asking The partner inqueries that how big the memory which MC3090/VC5090(CE5.0)will be used when WIFI starts. It related to a software project. Can you tell me how much memory the fusion gui and api take up in memory on the device?

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1 Replies

D David Meyer

There isn't an answer to give on this.  It all depends on what is happening.  The Fusion drivers will use different amounts of memory depending on what is happening on the device.  The application will use different amounts depending on what it is actually doing as well.

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