Pre-install message delay: 300 (what?)

S Steffen Pohl 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

If I define a Message Set with a Pre-install message delay: 300, the Pre-install message text disappears after 45 seconds. What does it mean 300? There is neither a description in the user guide nor does the UI show the unit. Do we have any explainations for the behaviour?

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2 Replies

A Andrew Knight

Steffen, the 'Message Delay' defines the amount of time in seconds that the installation is to begin AFTER the message has been displayed. If you are in the process of creating a message object, you click the 'Help' button in the upper right section of the MSP UI to show descriptions of the individual fields. This help feature is available for all types of MSP objects.

S Steffen Pohl

ok, found. Sorry for not looking at 3 different places to figure out the right source of info. The reason why I asked: The Pre-install message is shown for 45 seconds only, even if I specify 300 second and the Post-install message is visible immediately after the Pre-install message disappeared. I do not find any hints in the on-line help, the GUI or the user guide.

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