Automatically migrating from MS SMS to MSP, using SMS to do so

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 5 months ago
4 1 0

Yes, it sounds strange, I know. Spanish Post is currently using MS SMS on 2000 MC70s on field, as software management tool. They will eventually migrate to MSP, but they want to use SMS instead of using Rapid Deployment, simply because they can not afford having people going to every post office just to read labels or using electronic staging, i.e manual attended stuff. SMS can install files and modify registry, I checked that. I wonder if they could install abup30 and enable30 in a "master" MC70 using MSP, then getting modified folder and registry data, and then installing this on all of the MC70 via SMS. I guess "folder data" is what resides in \Application, under both "airbeam" and "MSP" folders. In registry, [HKLM/Software/airbeam] and others. Am I missing something? On the other hand, would it be possible to make a cab file with the contents of abup30.apf and another with enable30.apf? This would be simpler than previous approach.

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

We do not support deploying and upgrading the MSP Agent using a CAB file and likely never will as it would require double maintenance and double testing.  However, depending on the starting state of your devices, this may not be necessary. Your devices will either have a Legacy MSP Agent (less than 3.0) or an MSP 3 Agent (greater than or equal to 3.0).  In either case, you should be able to deliver content using SMS that will configure whatever MSP Agent the device has to connect to MSP and pull down the software that is required. Basically what you would be doing is using SMS to replicate what would be done via Staging on that device if you were using RD. If the device has a Legacy MSP Agent, then you would need to update the registry to set up AirBEAM to point to the appropriate Relay Server, deploy the desired packages to the Relay Server in Legacy mode using the AirBEAM Package Builder (as described in the MSP 3.2 User Guide in the section on Legacy Staging), and then command AirBEAM via command line(s) to pull the desired package(s). If the device has an MSP 3 Agent, then you would just need to update the registry with the right agent settings, then launch the agent and have it begin checking in.  Provisioning Policies could then kick in to update the agent, load additional software, etc.

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