Upgrade Conversion Time (WiSP to WiSPe)

Y Yoshihiro Sato 3 years 5 months ago
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Our customer is planning upgrade from WS5100 V2.x to V3.x.Now they are checking the downtime, then especially concerning AP-300 protocol conversion time.They can estimate the controller upgrade time through the test.

However, they are not sure how long 48*AP300 conversion takes from WiSP to WiSPe.In case of WS-5100 V2.x failover, it usually takes 50 seconds to 1 minute for WS5100 to adopt all AP300.How about 48”AP300 conversion time from V2x to V3.2 after WS5100 V3.2 boots up?The time seems to be different between 1*AP300 scenario and 48*AP300 scenario.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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