Requesting update on Nokia E71 client

W William Greenlee 3 years 9 months ago
5 4 0

Do we know when a beta version of the Symbol client will be ready for the E71? Has there been any progress on the keyboard fix, which would allow our current client to function better? thanks, William

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4 Replies

R Reena Nadkarni

 All, There have been several questions on the possibility of GMM support on Nokia E71 recently. I wanted to send out a quick update to let you know that Nokia E71 will be supported as part of the next Good Symbian release.
We got approval from product council today. As you may know, there are several engineering challenges with this device because Nokia removed some critical integration modules we need for our application to function. We now have a plan to work around those.  (Thanks to everyone from Engineering, QA, UX, TS and PM teams who worked together to pull E71 into this release!)

The Karjala release launch date is December 2008. We will have a Beta program starting in the last week of September (9/22). If you have high-potential, qualified customers who are looking to purchase the E71 and want to get started on the Beta, please send a note to me and Mike Santo.  Internal users will also be able to get on the Beta starting 9/22. Attached is an Internal-Only document that provides information on what GMM features are available on the E71.Please note that we're sharing pre-release information with you - it may change along the way if we run into technical/legal challenges. I will be available to take any questions during the next PM-SE call. (9.30 am PST on Monday 8/18)Regards,-ReenaReena Nadkarni | Group Product Manager | Motorola Good Technology | 408.504.0713 (cell) | 408.327.6292 (work) | 847.761.3399 (fax)

E Eugene Liderman

Hey William, I am testing the latest build of 5.0 and the keyboard issue is resolved.  Some of the key 5.0 features like:

Contacts Sync
Send Attachments
Calendar - Free Busy Lookup

Are still missing, but its running pretty well.  I have it running on a Nokia N95 and Nokia E71... December is the scheduled RTM date for the 5.0 Nokia client, so I assume 2 months beforehand we will have a Beta... -Eugene

R Rona Orenstein

Eugene - that's great info.  It would be cool if you could post that on the site for customers to see....if it can be shared.  I've seen MANY postings regarding support for the Nokia E71 on the begood site and we should give them hope, no?  thanks again!

S Scott Davenport

I'm checking on what can be communicated.

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