With the Scanner SDKs for Windows and Linux, a developer can create an application that fully controls their scanner from a computer. This high level walk through (9 minutes) exposes users to the following SDK topics. 1. One app will work on all similar scanners 2. Complete control of the scanner 3. Corescanner: The engine that powers the SDK 4. Common Implementations 5. Free source code 6. Development tools and environments 7. Communication interfaces 8. Supported Operating Systems (OS)
This guide provides information about the Zebra Scanner Software Developer Kit (SDK) for Linux, an architectural framework providing a single programming interface across multiple programming languages and across multiple system environments for all scanner communication variants (such as SNAPI, IBMHID, HIDKB).
This guide provides information about the Zebra Scanner JPOS Driver.
This chapter describes how to install the Zebra Scanner SDK and components on recommended platforms.
SDK Components
The SDK installation package installs the following SDK components to the default locations...
System Requirements
Minimum hardware requirements & supported Linux Distributions
CoreScanner and SDK Installers
The CoreScanner Version 4.0 SDK and later offer three types of installers to accommodate many different Linux distributions...
Installing the CoreScanner and SDK
This section describes how to install each CoreScanner and SDK package after selecting the suitable installer for the Linux distribution.
Installed Components
CoreScanner daemon service (cscore) is installed with the zebra-scanner-corescanner package. This coordinates activity between the communication layer (SNAPI, IBMHH, IBMTT, etc.) and upper level drivers (JPOS, SDK API, etc.).
To configure logging, udev options and client library options for CoreScanner and SDK, use the corescanner-sdk.conf file located in the directory /etc/zebra-scanner...
Test Utilities
The Zebra Scanner SDK includes the following test utilities that demonstrate SDK functionality to help you gain an understanding of the Zebra Scanner SDK...
Verifying Scanner SDK Functionality
This section provides test cases to demonstrate Zebra Scanner SDK functionality...
Following dependencies are required to execute CIM Service Provider on host environment...
Supported Properties
Following properties supported with the CIM Service Provide latest version...
Each scanner has an attribute list which can be accessed by the user. There are 3 types of operations that can be performed over the attribute list. They are get, set and store.
Input XML
A reference input xml file can be found in the sample_xml_file directory.
Output XML
Output xml file is created for the requested attribute ids in the get-attributes-configuration tag of the input xml file.
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