This section provides detailed information about how to use various functionalities of the Camera SDK python package to develop applications.
The Zebra Camera SDK provides the ability to initialize camera connections (via the ZebraDeviceManager), perform various operations with connected cameras, configure connected cameras and retrieve information related to connected cameras
Creating Python Applications
To Create python3 based application import the following camera SDK python module to access the API’s of Camera SDK.
Package Configuration
This configuration is used to set camera properties and to register / un-register following event listener of Camera SDK.
Camera Initialization
Camera Initialization is including the Loading of JSON configuration data, register for Device Management events with Camera Enumeration over USB interface using camera SDK API’s.
Continuos Image Event
On application launch time zcamConfig.json configuration “['EventsState']['ContinuesEvent']” is True then Registration of the continues Image listener executed with camera SDK, and the application will start receiving Camera Image frame with data and frame details.

Following a testing phase, where Action looked at solutions from two suppliers, Centric is now installing Zebra’s MP7000 at checkout in all new and refurbished Action stores for high-volume product scanning. For larger and heavier items, which are not placed on the POS conveyor belt, cashiers use the linked Zebra DS4308 Handheld Scanners to scan barcodes. The scanners link into the CTAC Retail Suite POS software Action has deployed, which in turn links into Action’s SAP back office systems.
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