Latest Discussions

Issue with Xamarin navigation page and intent
Luigi Borile asked
5 0 0
Xamarin RFID Nuget packages
Filippo Frater asked
4 0 0
Xamarin SDK for scanning RFID tags and bar codes
Matt Bohn asked Foong Kuin Yow replied at Jun 2nd at 20:46
39 1 0
// Expert user has replied.
Scanner Config for ITF(2 of 5) / Code-2of5 Interleaved in EMDK Library - Xamarin
Rakesh R Nair asked Darryn Campbell replied at Jul 8th at 04:44
138 1 0
Xamarin iOS support for Li-3678 scanner
Michael Safro asked
3 0 0
How to use Zebra Bluetooth scanner with Xamarin Android application on Chromebook
Jay Bowman asked Darryn Campbell replied at Dec 3rd at 01:50
4 1 0
How can I trigger scan process and pass custom data programmatically?
Constantine Ketskalo asked Darryn Campbell replied at Feb 6th at 08:35
5 1 0
Xamarin App crash when init Scanner
Nguyen Thanh Tuan asked Tim Johnson replied at Jun 15th at 10:18
1 2 0
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError JavaMaximumHeapSize
Roberto Borsini asked
3 0 0