Text sometimes drops from the print

// Expert user has replied.
T Thomas Birkenes 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

For some weird reason it is always the same part missing from the print:
Sometimes Hauler, Driver, Truck etc gets dropped from print.
But the QR code and barcode do not get dropped.
^LH0,90^FD ^FS^LH0,140^FD ^FS^LH0,170
^FDVic Forests - Docket #${weighedDocket.ticketNum}^FS
^FO25,0^GB812,5,5,B,0^FS^LH0,250^FD ^FS^LH0,280
^LH0,330^FD ^FS^LH0,380^FD ^FS^LH0,410
^LH0,460^FD ^FS^LH0,490
^LH0,570^FD ^FS^LH0,600
^FDHarvest Unit:^FS
^FDForest Ops:^FS
^LH0,710^FD ^FS^LH0,740
^FDTruck Reg:^FS
^FDTrailer Type:^FS
^FDLoaded by: ^FS
^FD${weighedDocket.truckLoaderDesc || ''}^FS
^LH0,910^FD ^FS^LH0,940
^FDLegal GVM:^FS
^FD${totalLegalGVM} (ton)^FS
^FDScale Weight:^FS
^FD${truckWeightWithLoad} (ton)^FS
^LH0,1020^FD ^FS^LH0,1050
^FDNight Load:^FS
^FDTransit Load:^FS
^LH0,1190^FD ^FS^LH0,1220
^FD100% AFS certified^FS
^FDCertification Number: AFS 703072^FS
^FDI certify this delivery complies with mass limits^FS
^FDprescribed by Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL)^FS
^LH0,1650^FD ^FS^LH0,1670
^LH0,1720^FD ^FS^LH0,1830^FD ^FS^LH0,1760
^LH0,1820^FD ^FS^LH0,1910^FD ^FS^LH0,1850
^FO25,0^BXN,4,200,,,,\,^FH^FD${compressedDocket}^FS^LH0,1900^FD ^FS^LH0,1930
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(encodedImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);
// Instantiate insecure connection for given Bluetooth® MAC Address.
Connection conn = new BluetoothConnectionInsecure(theBtMacAddress);
// Initialize
// Open the connection - physical connection is established here.
ZebraPrinter zprinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(conn);
ZebraImageI zi = ZebraImageFactory.getImage(bitmap);
zprinter.storeImage("E:IMAGE.PNG", zi, zi.getWidth(), zi.getHeight());
// Send the data to printer as a byte array.
// Make sure the data got to the printer before closing the connection
// Close the insecure connection to release resources.

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1 Replies

S Steven Si

Does this happen all the time? If it happens all the time, then you need to take a look at the ZPL.
What tool do you use to generate the ZPL? There are a lot ^LH commands and ^FD ^FS commands without field values. We only need to use the ^LH once in one ZPL label format. Once we have the label origin is defined at the beginning by ^LH, we only need to use ^FO to specify the field origin for each elements on the label that are relative to ^LH.

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