I have a ZPL object, but I would like to add a users signature to an existing ZPL object/string.
Would anyone know how to achieve this?
This would be for an Android devices.
Add base64 signature png to zpl printer object |
Add base64 signature png to zpl printer objectI have a ZPL object, but I would like to add a users signature to an existing ZPL object/string. |
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1 Replies
Found the solution right here if anyone is wondering.
private void printLabelWithImage(Bitmap bitmap, Context context)
// The context is the passed in from the calling method
// using getApplicationContext()
Connection conn = new BluetoothLeConnection(nfcMacAddress, context);
ZebraPrinter zprinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(conn);
ZebraImageI zi = ZebraImageFactory.getImage(bitmap);
zprinter.storeImage("E:IMAGE.PNG", zi, zi.getWidth(), zi.getHeight());
string label = "^XA~TA000~JSN^LT0^MNM^MTD^PON^PMN^LH0,0^JMA^PR2,2~SD21^JUS^LRN^CI0^XZ" +
"^XA" +
"^MMT" +
"^PW300" +
"^LL3300" +
"^LS0" +
"^FO0,2400" +
"^IME:IMAGE.PNG^FS" + // This is where the image is used.
"^FT70,2395^A0B,67,67^FH\\^FD**patient_name**^FS" +
"^FT121,2288^A0B,42,40^FH\\^FD**birth**^FS" +
"^FT123,2393^A0B,42,40^FH\\^FDDOB:^FS" +
"^FT174,2391^A0B,42,40^FH\\^FDPatient ID:^FS" +
"^FT172,2204^A0B,42,40^FH\\^FD**id**^FS" +
"^BY5,0^FT280,1347^BOB,5,N,0,N,1," +
"^FH\\^FD**barcode**^FS" +
catch (Execption e)
{ e.printStackTrace() }