Zebra TC75X -> unable to scan this barcode

c christophe bernard 3 years 3 months ago
50 5 0


we have some zebra TC75X device under android 7.
I've try to scan this barre code but impossible i've check all symbologie (decodeur) in profile0 ; restart device but nothing work ..

Here is it the barcode, someone can tell me how to solve this ?


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5 Replies


That barcode is Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2of 5)


Enable Mobile Computer to Read Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)
This article provides the steps to enable the mobile computer to read Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcodes.
Customer cannot read any length of Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcodes
Customer can only read ITF barcodes if its length is 10 or 14
Mobile Computer using DataWedge
By default, DataWedge will only decode Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) barcodes that are 14 characters long.

Ensure the ITF is enabled
Open DataWedge.
Open Target profile. (For example Profile0).
Open Configure scanner settings. (If using DataWedge v8.x, or else skip this step).
Tap Decoders.
Tap on the checkbox to enable the Interleaved 2of5.

Modify Decode Length if needed
Open Target profile. (example Profile0).
Open Configure scanner settings. (If using DataWedge v8.x, or else skip this step).
Tap Decoders.
Tap Interleaved 2of5.
Tap Length1 or Length2 to modify its value.

About Decode Lengths:
- Decode symbols containing any number of characters:
- Set both Length1 and Length2 to "0" (zero)

- Decode a symbol with a specific length range from a-b (inclusive):
- Set Length1 to "a" (the lower bound) and set Length2 to "b" (the upper bound)

Two Discrete Lengths
- Decode only symbols containing either of two specific lengths:
- Set Length2 as the shorter length and Length1 as the longer one

One Discrete Length
- Decode only symbols containing a specific length:
- Set both Length1 and Length2 to the desired (non-zero) length

Helpful Information:

TechDocs: Decode Length
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c christophe bernard

thanks for the docs but i've try but nothing work actually ..
Of course, in datawedge -> profile0 the interleave 2of5 is checked
and inside other parameter i've try this configuration but nothing work:
length1 0 length2 0 result not work
length1 0 length2 14 reult not work
length1 length2 15 result not work

any help would be appreciate

many thanks

c christophe bernard

thanks for the docs but i've try but nothing work actually ..
Of course, in datawedge -> profile0 the interleave 2of5 is checked
and inside other parameter i've try this configuration but nothing work:
length1 -> 0 length2 -> 0 result not work
length1 ->0 length2 -> 14 reult not work
length-> 1 length2 -> 15 result not work

it's so strange ..

if you have any idea thanks


Hello, are you testing it in the app or browser or DW demo. You have to configure both DWdemo and datawedge if you want to test in both. DWdemo has its own settings profile.
If you made the changes in the "datawedge" app then launch the browser and you should be able to test the scanner there.
also set both length 1 and 2 to '0'

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