Zebra Programming question

// Expert user has replied.
J Jonas Wallander 6 months 2 weeks ago
107 1 0

We're running different systems generating zebra printer designs to the same printers and are experiencing problems. When checking the code for the labels we see that our old solution that's been running for more than 25 years without any issues on multiple places uses the character # instead of ^ while the newer solution only uses ^.

The problem we experince is that printers fails to print labels only containing ^ if they are printed after a label containing both ^and #, but the other way works fine.

After re-booting the printer prints out labels only containing ^without any problems.

We fail to find any documentation about the use of #, all documenation on ZPL seems to only mention ^.

Does anybody have any input on the usage of #?

EDIT: the problem occurs when we're running the printer queues in Unix. When running the same printer through unix queues (old design) and windows (new design) the problem does not occur.


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1 Replies

S Steven Si

In ZPL, the label format command prefix (default is ^) can be reassigned to any other character through the ^CC or ~CC command. Make sure that the ZPL that uses the # as the command prefix has the proper reassignment with the ^CC or ~CC command.

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