ZD621t: Unable to set and get device.frontpanel.line1 and .line2 via ZBI

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W Wetter Frosch 1 year 6 months ago
183 10 1

I am trying to display some string on the LCD in idle mode, using current Firmware V93.21.16/Link-OS 6.7 on ZD621t-HC. While being able to read and set other SGD commands from ZBI 2.0 and "the reference" states the availability for the commands device.frontpanel.line1 and device.frontpanel.line2 at least for the ZD620 (no separate column for ZD621), I wonder that I am unable to set these with the successor ZD621. Reading those (and ..frontpanel.xml) results in a "?"

Is there a trick and am I "holding it wrong" or are these SGD commands not (yet?) supported on ZD621? (And: Is there a list of SGD commands implemented within the firmware of that model?)

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10 Replies

S Steven Si

If the device.frontpanel.line1 cannot be set by SGD on the printer, then it's not supported for that printer model. The device.frontpanel.line1 is used for the monochrome LCD display and is not supported by the models with color LCD display.

W Wetter Frosch

Thanks for the answer, Steven! So I assume that I either should look for some legacy ZD620/monochrome or print my error-messages on labels?

[ps: What is the solution to modify the "coloured" display contents of the successor model? Or: What would be "the next-best" non-EOL HC-printer for matching this requirement?]

The very pity is that our application needs two scans (user-id/object-id) after another and a first-stage/second-stage indication for the end-user would be quiet handy.

To my understanding of the reference; there is no chance to at least ring a system-bell?

S Steven Si

We have a software kit built for the ZT411 to address the very same issue. We may probably need to make a similar software kit for the ZD621. Which company do you represent? You may want to contact your account manager to get in touch with the counterpart from Zebra to raise the request for a special software kit to address the issue

W Wetter Frosch

We are not (yet?) a direct customer of Zebra; we bought the device at a distributor of Zebra under the motto "research and development first".

M Mike Pisano


Any timeframe on when\if a patch for the 621\231 might be available.



M Mike Pisano

I need to get rid of 40 old Avery\Monarch devices with keyboards attached...

Simple Program to input a Serial Number and Copies and Print.

I was under the impression that with ZBI and the ZD621 or ZT231 this would be easy...

As discussed above,  device.frontpanel.line1 or line2 seems to do nothing on this new Color LCD.

Are there newer commands to accomplish this, or do I really need to buy the Older 2 Line LCD models? (ie ZT230)



M Mike Pisano

@Steven Si

I really need to know if there will be any fix to this?


S Steven Si

Hi Mike,

We are aware of the issue. We have created an internal request for a software kit for the ZD621 to solve the ZBI limitation on the printer's UI. The software kit will be available through the resellers. However, it may take some time to have the software kit ready. Currently, there is no timeline.

M Mike Pisano


I know you said "No Timeline",  but any updates on "device.frontpanel"?


MIke Pisano


S Steven Si

Hi Mike,

The software kit is now available for the ZD621 printers to address the issue. The part number for the software kit is CAG-P1125992. You can reach out to Zebra resellers in your region to order the software kit.

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