Is there a way, using Powershell, to query an LS2208?

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B Blake Clausnitzer 2 years 11 months ago
289 5 0

I currently have the CoreScanner Driver installed with the service running. The other services for Driver and Scanner discovery are running as well. 123Scan works fine and is able to detect the scanner.

I am trying to query via Powershell the status of an LS2208 Scanner. The attached image is what I am trying to do, but nothing happens. It is a valid WMI Class according to the PCs I have tested on but I am getting nothing.

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5 Replies

R Riad Benallou

I do not have LS2208 with me but tested with DS8108 ok . did you make sure that your LS2208 is set to IBM handheld or SNAPI ?
in my test following command
(Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Symbol_BarcodeScanner").PartNumber
get me following result

Check below KA for reference…

B Blake Clausnitzer

It is currently set to HID Keyboard. It needs to be set otherwise in order for this function to work?

R Riad Benallou

That is correct to use wmi the scanner needs to be in snapi or IBM HH
Could you help me to understand more about the solution you are trying to achieve ? I might have some additional details that could maybe help

B Blake Clausnitzer

Myself and other IT guys support 35+ warehouses across the US. We use Nagios to help monitor and watch over the equipment on the warehouse floor, including end user desktops as they do affect production. We just want to be sure that the scanners are configured correctly. Also a plus would be the ability to remotely deploy configs on the fly.

R Riad Benallou

There are two ways for this I can think about
Option 1: set the scanners into snapi to keep them in management mode and enable HID pump feature within corescanner that would allow you to send the data as keystroke for apps that require data in HID .

To do so , go to
Browse to C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\Barcode Scanners\Common
Copy the Config.XML file to make an original copy.

Edit the Config.XML file and make the following changes Config.xml

Change Local from 0 to 2
Enable from 0 to 1

Save the file and then restart corescanner service or Reboot your system

Options 2 : keep scanner in HID and switch HOST to snapi via script to do management and then switch it back to HID once finished
refer to following KA…

hope the above helps

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