Take label sensor

// Expert user has replied.
A Andres Steppe 2 years 8 months ago
149 2 0


We are developing our software to work with ZT220 with peeler C# in VS2019 .net 4.7.
Current issue we have is that for some reason the printer prints label even though the previous label has not been taken off.
The sensor itself seems to be working as we can see with phone camera (IR illumination).
Using Zebra demo code to check settings of the printer it states that sensor.peeler is clear.
Does anyone know how to block printout if previous label was not taken?
Otherwise it piles labels up in output.

Thanks in advance

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2 Replies

S Steven Si

If the sensor.peeler is "clear", it means the last printed label has been removed or there is no label waiting to be removed. If that's not the case, it indicates the sensor may not be configured properly or not function properly. The ^MM command can set the printer to Peel-off mode, which means the printing will stop until the printed label is removed. If the sensor.peeler is always "clear", then the printing will not stop. Please refer to the printer's user guide for the peeler sensor details.

A Andres Steppe

Thanks for information,
the first printer was correctly setup and did not work.
On the second printer i took home for developing/testing i managed to get this working.
Maybe there was issue with the first code we tried or just some weird glitch as we are still getting to know the printers.
I will check the first one also to see if it will start to work correctly also.
There is some weird printer issue on the pc that was used to test the first printer on, maybe MS bug.

But thanks again for reply

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