Strange battery capacity values read an ET45

// Expert user has replied. //Solved
R Richard Venderbosch 1 year 6 months ago
162 5 1

Our MDM agent reads some strange battery capacity values on a ET45 running Android 11.

"present_capacity" and "present_charge" values (read as integer extras of the "ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED" intent) seem to be way too high:

    "BatteryStatus": {
      "DateTime": "2023-07-27T09:08:14Z",
      "Level": 92,
      "Status": "DISCHARGING",
      "Plugged": "NOTPLUGGED",
      "Health": "GOOD",
      "Temperature": 23.7,
      "Voltage": 4.242
    "AddBatteryStatus": {
      "CapacityPercent": 92,
      "CapacityMAH": 3545,
      "Charging": false,
      "PowerSaveMode": false,
      "NotOptimized": true,
      "IdleMode": false,
      "ThermalStatus": "none"
    "AddBatteryInformations": {
      "SerialNumber": "G6154",
      "PartNumber": "BT-000455-30",
      "ManufacturingDate": "20220725",
      "RatedCapacity": "6000 mAh",
      "PresentCapacity": "600000 mAh",
      "PresentCharge": "5465000 mAh",
      "BaseCumCharge": "42000 mAh",
      "TtlCumCharge": "42000 mAh",
      "LoadingCycles": 7,
      "SecsSince1stUse": "0 secs",
      "HealthPercent": "100 %",
      "BattDecom": "good",
      "BackUpBatteryVoltage": "0 mV"

    "OsInformations": {
      "Version": "Android 11 (30)",
      "BuildNumber": "11-23-29.00-RG-U01-STD-GSE-04",
      "BuildDate": "2023-07-08T16:25:08Z",


Reading the same capacity values for example on a TC78 running Android 11 show reasonable values:

    "BatteryStatus": {
      "DateTime": "2023-07-24T10:04:10Z",
      "Level": 55,
      "Status": "DISCHARGING",
      "Plugged": "NOTPLUGGED",
      "Health": "GOOD",
      "Temperature": 28,
      "Voltage": 3.791
    "AddBatteryStatus": {
      "CapacityPercent": 55,
      "CapacityMAH": 2598,
      "Charging": false,
      "PowerSaveMode": false,
      "NotOptimized": true,
      "IdleMode": false,
      "ThermalStatus": "none"
    "AddBatteryInformations": {
      "SerialNumber": "T0276",
      "PartNumber": "BT-000442-0020 R.B",
      "ManufacturingDate": "2022-12-28",
      "RatedCapacity": "4600 mAh",
      "PresentCapacity": "4408 mAh",
      "PresentCharge": "2413 mAh",
      "BaseCumCharge": "10081 mAh",
      "TtlCumCharge": "4450 mAh",
      "LoadingCycles": 0,
      "SecsSince1stUse": "3048215 secs",
      "HealthPercent": "100 %",
      "BattDecom": "good"


Same situation on a TC77:

   "AddBatteryInformations": {
      "SerialNumber": "T1069",
      "PartNumber": "BT-000318-01 R.C",
      "ManufacturingDate": "2018-11-05",
      "RatedCapacity": "4500 mAh",
      "PresentCapacity": "4227 mAh",
      "PresentCharge": "2350 mAh",
      "BaseCumCharge": "151016 mAh",
      "TtlCumCharge": "186136 mAh",
      "LoadingCycles": 41,
      "SecsSince1stUse": "14184062 secs",
      "HealthPercent": "97 %",
      "BattDecom": "good"


Can you please check what is wrong here?

Regards, Richard.

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Accepted Solution

D Daniel Neamtu

By the look of the picture and the information, it seems to be a normal Power Precision battery.

You can actually confirm that by lifting it and look on the back what it's written.

If that's the case, unfortunately those 2 parameters can't be retrieved for these type of batteries, they're available only for the PP+ ones.

You can have a look here on the available params for each type of battery.



5 Replies

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Richard,

What type of battery are you using on the ET45, is it a Power Precision Plus or a Power Precision one?



R Richard Venderbosch

I don't know which type it is.

From the Android intent we read these data:

      "SerialNumber": "G6154",
      "PartNumber": "BT-000455-30"

And here is a photo of the battery:

Foto of the battery

D Daniel Neamtu

By the look of the picture and the information, it seems to be a normal Power Precision battery.

You can actually confirm that by lifting it and look on the back what it's written.

If that's the case, unfortunately those 2 parameters can't be retrieved for these type of batteries, they're available only for the PP+ ones.

You can have a look here on the available params for each type of battery.



R Richard Venderbosch

On the back side of the battery it says "PowerPrecision". So indeed it is no PP+ one.

But I wonder why these values are present as extras in the battery intent ;-)

Thanks a lot for your help.

Regards, Richard.

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Richard,

I'm not sure actually, I've worked before with the Battery Intents and these parameters if accessed on a PP battery should've returned -1 as value so it's quite interesting what happened over there in your case.



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