StageNow certificate import requires local admin privileges

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I Ingo Kemmerzell 2 years 7 months ago
36 7 0


It seems that I need local admin privileges when I try to create a certificate to sign profiles because StageNow creates the file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symbol Technologies\Staging_Solution" . All other files (including the database) are stored in my personal profile %APPDATA%\StageNow\AST. Is there an option to set/change the default folder where the certificate file is stored?

Best regards,

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7 Replies

m maria khan

StageNow was thoughtfully designed to
make device staging as easy as possible<a href="">,</a&gt;
with a minimal learning curve. Creating a
staging profile with all the configurations,
settings and applications your devices
require is as easy as choosing selections
from drop down boxes and clicking on
buttons — all without any coding

E Edward Correia

I don't quite understand your issue. Is there some reason why you're unable to log into your computer as an admin so you can access the certs you're creating?  

I Ingo Kemmerzell

I don't login as local Windows admin. StageNow has been installed by a user with admin privileges. But I don't have admin privileges and everything works fine because the database ist stored in my Windows profile. But when I try to import a certificate for trusted staging, StageNow tries to store the certifcate in the c:\Program Files (x86) instead of using the profile folder.
Best regards,

I Ingo Kemmerzell

I don't login as local Windows admin. StageNow has been installed by a user with admin privileges. But I don't have admin privileges and everything works fine because the database ist stored in my Windows profile. But when I try to import a certificate for trusted staging, StageNow tries to store the certifcate in the c:\Program Files (x86) instead of using the profile folder.
Best regards,

E Edward Correia

Sorry, but for security reasons, Trusted Staging requires StageNow to be running in admin mode.

This is clearly stated in the Trusted Staging docs:…

If you are able to obtain admin access on the PC, you can import your existing staging profiles (after you've logged in as an admin) using the following process:…

I Ingo Kemmerzell

You are right, it's stated in the documentation. Thank you for your support. Are there any plans to remove the restriction of a 1024 bit RSA certificate which need to be used for trusted staging?

E Edward Correia

Sorry Ingo, I am aware of no plans to remove such restrictions. 

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