srfidSdk iOS inventory issue

// Expert user has replied.
T Tom Friml 5 months 1 week ago
49 2 0

We have a RFD40 and we are trying to use the RFID reader using the iOS SDK (srfidSdk) but running into difficulties. We can connect to the reader without difficulties but when trying to start inventory (by calling `srfidStartInventory`) the resulting code returned is `SRFID_RESULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT`.


Any help would be appreciated.

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2 Replies

A Alex Lavie

I suggest reaching out to zebra support.

I suspect you read the following and followed the recommended steps:

S Sean Kennedy

Another Suggestion is to review the Source Code for the XCODE iOS Demo Project in the iOS RFID SDK.

The 123RFID Mobile app for iOS - is based largely on this source tree.

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