Service notification allows user to uninstall app. Can it be "hidden"?

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S Shaun Peusschers 2 years 5 months ago
0 7 0

My company has an enterprise application that starts in Kiosk Mode.

When we start a foreground service / service in android the Service notification is shown and the user can click on it and then eventually disable/uninstall the application.

Is there a way to not show the notification? Or even another way of starting the foreground service?


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7 Replies

A Alfred Teixeira


Have you tried the following: mBuilder.setOngoing(true); ?

E Edward Correia

On devices with MX 11.3 or later, notifications can be controlled in whole or individually by app:

I also recommend checking the EHS Security Notes section for additional info about user access to notifications:

S Shaun Peusschers

Thank you very much!

Are there examples of using

I also saw that setting the importance of the notification to low does not show it, BUT does that effect the lifetime of the service?


S Shaun Peusschers


If the Application would be killed by Android for using to much resources or it stopping the service.

E Edward Correia

Please clarify what you mean by "lifetime of the service." 

I will ask engineering for samples. If provided, they will be posted at:

S Shaun Peusschers

Thank you!

E Edward Correia

Notification Manager XML samples are posted:

I hope you find them helpful. 


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