Scanner - Programmatically make a beep sound (c#)

// Expert user has replied.
E Efkan YILMAZ 2 years ago
669 7 0

Hi, I am new to programming for Zebra devices.
I am using .NET (C#) to connect to the Zebra ring scanner via SerialPort.
When the data is scanned - the application analyzes it. And I want the scanner to beep if the data is incorrect.
How can it be implemented?
I have found an answer to my question, but the solution is for HoneyWell scanner.…
Is there something similar for the Zebra scanner and, if yes, how can I make the scanner beep using .net?

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7 Replies

R Riad Benallou

Could you specify the zebra scanner you have ?

V Valery Sh

It's RS5100

R Riad Benallou

There are few options :
If using BT serial SPP you can check the list of special characters including BEL
ASCII 0x07 one listed within the manual in page 58 .…

Is the BEL beep only requirement? Using SDK you could simplify the pairing process without having to set serial port and allow to control LED, different beep sequence as well mich more .

V Valery Sh

I can not use the SDK in this project. Could you show a code example of how to send the 0x07 signal to the scanner

R Riad Benallou

suggest you run quick test using putty just to verify there is no connection or config issues . once you open port using puty pressing Ctrl G should make scanner Beep .
Regarding the code , see below snippet using SerialPort.Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32) method .

var content = new List();
content.Add(7); // ASCII BEL
byte[] buffer = content.ToArray();
serialPort1.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

V Valery Sh

Thank You a lot! It worked

R Riad Benallou

We are happy to help
For more advanced feature you can use SSI supported in all Zebra Scanners over RS232 , BT Serial or USB CDC and which is
Check the SSI programmer guide…

Which allows a programmer to open a virtual com port over a Bluetooth connection and issue commands that control a cordless scanner. This solution utilizes the pre-existing Bluetooth driver of the host OS to establish communication between the scanner and host.
Application functionality can include:
• Receiving bar code data.
• Command and control
• Get/Set symbologies
• Control Beeper/LED
• Enable/disable the vibrator
• Scanning control (enable/disable scanning and host applications initiated triggering).

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