Scan available wireless networks - how to obtain security and encription type of SSID from results?

J Jiri Mikeska 1 year 11 months ago
199 1 0

We use in company hundreds of MC2180 device with Windows CE operating system.
I need to obtain from the result of wireless network scan: security type and encription type of SSIDs. For example whether has concrete SSID access point security type WPA_PSK or WPA2_PSK or WEB and whether has concrete SSID access point encryption type AES or TKIP.
But in returned EMDK structures NDIS_WLAN_BSSID I don't see informations about it. Maybe they are not directly named with "securityType" and "encryptionType", maybe they are "hidden" for my eyes. In structure NDIS_WLAN_BSSID is byte array IEs, but I don't know what means these byte values. Maybe they contains these informations about scanned SSID AP?

I'm pretty sure that the information about the type of security and encryption in those returned structures is because when I perform a network scan directly in the operating system (Find WLANs) using Zebra Fusion tools and left-click on the founded access point and choose to "Create a profile", the SSID profile creation wizard shows me correctly pre-bids both the security type and the encryption type.

For find SSIDs/WLANS I am using this code:
ArrayList al = WLAN.Adapters[0].NDIS.BSSIDList.BSSIDList;
ArrayList al = WLAN.Adapters[0].GetSSIDs();
ArrayList al = WLAN.Adapters[0].GetAccessPoints(SSID_name);

How to parse from "al" variable the type of security and the type encryption of found wireless access point?

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