Querying configuration settings

E Erik Schaumlöffel 3 years 5 months ago
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Querying configuration settings

I have created profiles that can be activated/deactivated in our App via a button. To display the current settings in the Ui I found queries in the documentation, e.g. here https://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-android/7-0/mx/uimgr/#queries . But I didn't find any code examples and I couldn't figure out how to use this in our Android project.
I tried to put the input xml from here https://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-android/7-0/mx/uimgr/#getnavigation… into a profile. This looked like this:

&lt;characteristic type="Profile"&gt;
&lt;parm name="ProfileName" value="readState"/&gt;
&lt;parm name="ModifiedDate" value="2021-08-31 16:25:16"/&gt;
&lt;parm name="TargetSystemVersion" value="9.1"/&gt;
&lt;characteristic type="UiMgr"&gt;
&lt;parm-query name="NavigationBarUsage"/&gt;

And then tried the following with ProfileManager:

"readState", ProfileManager.PROFILE_FLAG.SET, arrayOf("")

As PROFILE_FLAG I have tried all variants (GET, SET, ...).
In this case i only get STATUS_CODE.SUCCESS and not STATUS_CODE.CHECK_XML and have also found nothing in the results, which could represent the described output xml.

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