Problems setting remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode in DataWedge Scanner Profile by Set Config API

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S Sascha Buescher 2 years 4 months ago
9 5 0

i have problems setting the Audio Feedback Mode in Datawedge by Set Config API.
When i use the following Code the display_bt_address_barcode works but the remote _scanner_audio_feedback_mode didn't work, but both under the BARCODE Plugin listed in teh API description. Does anyone have an idrear why it didn't work? The Datawedge Version is 11.1.31 on the Device. The Device is a TC21 with attached RS507 Bluetooth Scanner. If i set the option manual in DataWedge Profile it works.

Bundle profileConfig = new Bundle();
profileConfig.PutString("PROFILE_NAME", EXTRA_PROFILE_NAME);
profileConfig.PutString("CONFIG_MODE", "UPDATE");

Bundle bConfig = new Bundle();
bConfig.PutString("PLUGIN_NAME", "BARCODE");
bConfig.PutString("RESET_CONFIG", "false");
Bundle bParams = new Bundle();
bParams.PutString("scanner_selection_by_identifier", "BLUETOOTH_SSI");
bParams.PutString("display_bt_address_barcode", "true");
bParams.PutString("remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode", "2");

bConfig.PutBundle("PARAM_LIST", bParams);

profileConfig.PutBundle("PLUGIN_CONFIG", bConfig);
SendDataWedgeIntentWithExtra(ACTION_DATAWEDGE_FROM_6_2, EXTRA_SET_CONFIG, profileConfig);

Thx and Regards


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5 Replies

J James Swinton-Bland

I think you'll need to remove the quotes around "2", e.g;

bParams.PutString("remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode", 2);

I'd also check out registering for results from DataWedge: which helps track down bugs in your code

R Richard Venderbosch

For integer parameters use PutInt:

bParams.PutInt("remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode", 2);

J James Swinton-Bland

Correct! Oversight on my part... Thanks Richard!

S Sascha Buescher


thx for your reply's tried with bParams.PutInt("remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode", 2); but didn't work either, maybe the remote_scanner_audio_feedback_mode is wrong? But taken so from the Documentation of the API. Will try to implement the result getting of this, but maybe you have an idear in front if this setting or spelling of this setting is wrong from my side?

Thx Sascha

J James Swinton-Bland

you should also set which scanner you are targeting:…

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