Printing StoredFormat With passing vars including new hex EPC Using Link-OS (ZT411)

// Expert user has replied.
a ahmad zaid 3 years 4 months ago
6 1 0

I'm trying to Printing StoredFormat With passing vars including new hex EPC Using Link-OS (ZT411)
this is my code :

Connection printerConnection = null;
printerConnection = new TcpConnection("", TcpConnection.DEFAULT_ZPL_TCP_PORT);

Dictionary formatVars = new Dictionary();
formatVars.Add(1,"ahmad");//var company
formatVars.Add(2, "12345");//var barcode
formatVars.Add(3, "468889eefd4ff38000000001");//var EPC

ZebraPrinterFactory.GetInstance(PrinterLanguage.ZPL, printerConnection).PrintStoredFormat("R:LabelAhmad.zpl", formatVars, "UTF-8");


catch (ArgumentException ex)

catch (ConnectionException ex)

catch (ZebraPrinterLanguageUnknownException ex)

if (printerConnection != null)
catch (ConnectionException) { }

I creating the label and Store it to the printer.
when I execute the code the printer print three labels fill with "Void"

any Help?

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1 Replies

S Steven Si

The three void labels indicate that the RFID tags cannot be read or encoded correctly. The printer has tried 3 times (by the way, the number of retries is configurable). It's most likely that the ZT411 printer has not been calibrated with the RFID tags. A calibration is required for the printer in order to detect the antenna position and signal strength properly on the tag.

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