print using android

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s sun joe 2 years 2 months ago
331 3 0

Hi, im developing web for android app.
Android is showing web page via app , it's webapp. and I'm trying to print label.
Machine and Version is TC52 Android10 and ZQ510 printer and connected by bluetooth.
I tried to print by COM3 serial port but it's not working, just work on browser of PC, nothing on android.
And it's printing like image file , even it's printed by zebra print app.
What should i do?

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3 Replies

S Steven Si

If you try to print labels to a ZQ510 printer from a web app on a TC52 device, you should use Zebra Enterprise Browser for printing, as the Enterprise Browser has a number of APIs for connecting and printing to Zebra printers.

If you want to use Chrome browser on Android device for the label printing, use Zebra Browser Print, which offers a number of APIs for discovering, connecting and printing to Zebra printers.

s sun joe

i tried to print using enterprise browser today but failed.
i have a question , does it need license? Do I have to pay?

S Steven Si

It's free for testing and evaluation. Check the Enterprise Browser Licensing for the details for commercial deployment.

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