Invoking GPIOs by external service / RCI Interface - Reader FX9600

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M Maciej Kołkowski 1 year 6 months ago
65 1 0

I have RFID reader FX9600 and my question is: Is there any solution for invoking a GPIO Out signal by external service? For example by IoT Connector MQTT, Http server endpoint or IoT Connector RESTs API? My goal is to turn on a lamp connected to GPIO on a specific tag processed by an external service (API) that processes the reader's HTTP POSTs with tag data. I am trying to use RCI Interface by reader's endpoint https://IPAddress/restrci and using commands GetGPIOs, SetGPIOs like in the example below. 

{"Cmd":"GetGPIOs","ReportNow":[1,3,4],"ReportEvent":[2]}  - Sended by Postman tool 



  "Report": "Unknown",

    "ErrID": 1002


About RCI Interface I can't find any documentation about that error.

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

If you are already using the HTTP POST method setup via the Web Console - the restrci interface may not be available since you are now using the Zebra IOT embedded support.  ( What you are doing is not multiplexed - the RestRCI is a different module to the IoT Module doing HTTP POST config. )

If you are using the HTTP POST interface that you need to use the Reader IOT instance web URI that is correct (the RestRCI is not)  and use this interface to get the GPIO status abut also update the GPIO as you envision.
See this link:

As an example of Interacting with the HTTP POST connection / session.

This API doc may also help:

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