GetJobStatus() ThreadAbortException

// Expert user has replied.
E Efkan YILMAZ 2 years 2 months ago
23 1 0

We are using Zebra ZXP Series 7 Card Printers and VB.NET to print cards and our function to check the status of a job keeps throwing the exception below. We are using: SdkApi_Card_Core, Version=2.14.1917.0

There was a problem determining if the print job finished.: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Zmotif.Comm.Internal.ZMCBase.SendCmd(CommandHeader cmdHdr, Byte[] inData, Int32 inDataLen, Response outResponse, CardError error, ProgressMonitor handler)
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Zmotif.Comm.Internal.ZMCBase.SendCmdAndReadBuffer(CommandHeader cmdHdr, Byte[] data, Int32 dataLen, Byte[]&amp; buffer, Response outResponse, CardError error, ProgressMonitor handler)
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Zmotif.Comm.Internal.ZMCBase.GetStatus(Int32 statusType, Byte[] actionID, Int32 dataLen, Byte[]&amp; outData, Response outResponse, CardError error)
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Zmotif.Comm.Internal.CommandHelperUtil.GetJobStatus(Int32 actionID, Response outResponse, CardError error)
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Zmotif.Job.Internal.ZmotifJob.GetJobStatus(Int32 jobId)
at Zebra.Sdk.Card.Printer.Internal.ZebraCardPrinterA.GetJobStatus(Int32 jobId)

Any thoughts?

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1 Replies

A Alfred Teixeira

You are using the wrong SDK for the ZXP-7 Card Printer. The SDK you are using is for the ZC-series Card Printers. You will need to return to, navigate to the Support and Download page and navigate through the links to the SDK download package for the ZXP-series card printer. The easiest path to do this would be to start with the printer itself, then select software and drill down to the development tools section to locate the ZMotif SDKs installer.



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