error when replying to post on here

// Expert user has replied.
K Keith Hall 6 months 1 week ago
34 4 0

Getting error whilst trying to reply to Browser Print PDF post (expecting same posting this but in case it doesn't):

and the reply to that post is:

Thanks, however PDF Direct doesn't work as the printers are older and not included on supported models list (e.g. GK420d). As mentioned sendFile() causes the printers to lock up and refuse to do anything further.

Need the PDF convert function to work as mentioned in the documentation? How do we fix this error please?

Understood on the default printer, however getLocalDevices does take some time to return, and is what has ben done but it feels like a hack. Who is actively developing BrowserPrint - can this additional saved printer idea be added as a future enhancement request please?

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4 Replies

S System Admin

Good Morning Keith

We follow Moderation to prevent spam on the site. For this all posts and comments need to approved by Admins before Publishing them on the site. We have approved your comment on the post. The error you see happened because of multiple same Comments on the Post. Apologies for the delayed approval.

S System Admin

Please Allow 24to 48hrs for the comment to be posted

K Keith Hall

Pretty sure I got the error on the very first comment reply, which asked to try again, hence what happened (otherwise why would there be multiples). I would have expected a message saying thanks, awaiting approval or something. Definitely unhelpful error messages, compounding the issue.. Lets see if this reply gets the same.

S System Admin

Can you please try to clear your Browser cache once before trying the next one

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